. Gift
Gift fairies: workshop of handmade gifts
9 aug. 2018 om 8:58
I am often asked whether it is possible umbrellas are hand-painted to wear in the rain. Of COURSE! It is possible and necessary for a vibrant mood in any weather. I enclose a video of the CRASH TEST umbrella: the usual downpour and the test is not for the faint of heart in the second video.
As we would like to extend the summer sun, the autumn rains will still, and summer thunderstorms also. See examples of umbrellas: https://vk.com/album-11077813_237310210?rev=1. You can order a similar one or make a unique pattern.
To order write a private message to the group https://vk.com/im?sel=-11077813 or in person to the master https://vk.com/podarokfei
The umbrellas are hand painted with special paints, resistant to water and abrasion. It is possible to order with different design